Wednesday 6 August 2014

How to Get VPS without being charged

Aws has created a free tier that is free for 1 year
this free tier contains
* free vps windows and linux , 750 hours/month for year 1GB ram , 2.50 GHz CPU , 100 Mbps speed of network , 30 gb storage and 15GB bandwidth.
*750 hours of an Elastic Load Balancer plus 15 GB data processing
*750 hours of Amazon RDS Single-AZ Micro DB Instances, for running MySQL, Oracle BYOL or SQL Server (running SQL Server Express Edition) – enough hours to run a DB Instance continuously each month
*20 GB of database storage
*10 million I/Os
*20 GB of backup storage for your automated database backups and any user-initiated DB Snapshots
and some other stuff
to get this offer you need a valid phone number and valid credit card*
when you sign in into the console you can always check if you passed the limit of the free tier or not and if you found a bill that you have to pay it and you belive that you didn't do it you can contact them thru support ticket for web(email) or phone call
and tell them about the billing problem and they will put credits for it so you don't get charged
also if you are a linux user you will be lucky because you can use some stuff from the aws marketplace and you will get credits on it

  • there is 8 Regions for the machines but you have only 1 machine / account

* Note that they require credit card to make sure that its a valid person not a hack and it must be a valid card bec. they will put 1 dollar as a charge for checking if its valid or not and YOU WILL GET THIS DOLLAR BACK.

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